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Sonata is a slick GTK+ GUI controller for the Music Player Daemon audio player which has not been updated since 2009. It is and has been unmaintained for a long time. It is, as such, no longer included in many Linux distributions.

Why you'd want it[edit]

Music Player Daemon is a nice daemon which runs in the background locally on a remote server and plays music. Various GUI's (and console apps) for controlling it exist. Sonata was the slickest one available for a long time.


Sonata is based on the now unmaintained Pygmy[1] MPD GUI by Andrew Conkling and Matthew G. Sonata developer Scott Horowitz story is that Sonata was forked from Pygmy "in order to fix bugs, introduce new features, and proceed down a different path"[2].

Someone needs to pick up the torch[edit]

The Sonata github page at states that

"I (@multani) don't use Sonata much anymore and as a consequence, I've been very slow to answer even to the few bugs reported and pull requests from external contributors.

If you are still interested in Sonata and would like to see it alive again, please contact me by email to see what we can do!"




Stand-alone music players:

Program rating framework music collection database
Audacious Yeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpg Qt5 or GTK2 Dialog-cancel.svg
DeaDBeeF Hyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpg GTK Dialog-cancel.svg
Elisa Hyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpg Qt/KDE Dialog-ok.svg
Exaile Sad hyemi2.jpgSad hyemi2.jpg GTK Dialog-ok.svg
GNOME Music Frustrated stallman cropped.jpg GTK/GNOME Dialog-ok.svg
Strawberry Yeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpg Qt Dialog-ok.svg
qmmp Yeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpg Qt Dialog-cancel.svg

discontinued / abandoned / bankrupt & finished: Clementine | Amarok

Music Player Daemon clients:
mpd is a database-oriented music player daemon which can be controlled by numerous front-end programs.

Program rating framework type
Cantata Yeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpgYeonjung-happy.jpg Qt X11
GMPC Hyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpgHyuna-approves.jpg GTK X11
mpc Frustrated stallman cropped.jpg Command-line terminal
ncmpc Kim.Se-jeong.confused.jpgKim.Se-jeong.confused.jpgKim.Se-jeong.confused.jpg ncurses terminal
xfmpc Sad hyemi2.jpgSad hyemi2.jpg GTK/Xfce X11

discontinued / abandoned / bankrupt & finished: Sonata | KMP | Glurp