Comparison of Compression Algorithms

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GNU/Linux and *BSD have a wide range of compression algorithms available for file archiving purposes. There's gzip, bzip2, xz, lzip, lzma, lzop and less free tools like rar, zip, arc to choose from. Knowing which one to use can be so confusing. Here's an attempt to give you an idea how the various choices compare.


Most file archiving and compression on GNU/Linux and BSD is done with the tar utility. Its name is short for tape archiver, which is why every tar command you will use ever has to include the f flag to tell it that you will be working on files and not an ancient tape device (note that modern tape devices do exist for server back up purposes, but you will still need the f flag for them because they're now regular block devices in /dev). Creating a compressed file with tar is typically done by running tar create f and a compression algorithms flag followed by files and/or directories. The standard compression flags are:

Short Option Long Option Algorithm
z --gzip gzip
j --bzip2 bzip2
J --xz xz
z --compress LZA (compress)
--lzip lzip
--lzma lzma
--zstd zstd

These are not your only options, there's more. tar accepts -I to invoke any third party compression utility.

Short Option Algorithm
-Iplzip Parallel lzip
-Ipigz Parallel gzip
-Ipxz Parallel XZ (LZMA)
The above arguments will only work if you actually have plzip and pigz installed. Also note that you will have to have c or x before and -f after -I when you use -I. Example: tar c -I"pigz -9" -f archive.tar.gz folder/

So which should you use? It depends on the level of compression you want and speed you desire. You may have to pick just one of the two. Speed will depend widely on what binary you use for the compression algorithm you pick. As you will see below: There is a huge difference between using the standard bzip2 binary most (all?) distributions use by default and parallel pbzip2 which can into multi-core computing.

Compressing The Linux Kernel[edit]

Kemonomimi rabbit.svg
Note: These tests were done using a Ryzen 2600 with Samsung SSDs in RAID1. The differences between bzip2 and pbzip2 and xz and pxz will be much smaller on a dual-core. We could test on slower systems if anyone cares, but that seems unlikely given that only 3 people a month read this article and those three people use Windows, macOS and an Android phone respectively.

The following results are what you can expect in terms of relative performance when using tar to compress the Linux kernel with tar c --algo -f linux-5.8.1.tar.algo linux-5.8.1/ (or tar cfX linux-5.8.1.tar.algo linux-5.8.1/ or tar c -I"programname -options" -f linux-5.8.1.tar.algo linux-5.8.1/)

Ruling out cache impact was done by running sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches between runs.

The exact number will vary depending on your CPU, number of cores and SSD/HDD speed but the relative performance differences will be somewhat similar. Also, keep in mind when compressing large files from fast sources to slow destinations (e.g. 8GB from an NVMe to an HDD or USB 2.0 drive), I/O bottlenecks actually hinder the "faster" algorithms: slower parallelized algorithms with better compression rates are more effective in such scenarios, since they actually spend less time waiting for the destination device to write the buffered/cached compressed data once the buffer/caches fill up.

Algorithm Time Size Command Parameters Comment
none 0m0.934s 939M tar cf tar itself is an archiving tool, you do not need to compress the archives.
gzip 0m23.502s 177M gzip cfz
gzip 0m3.132s 177M pigz c -Ipigz -f Parallel gzip using pigz 2.4.
bzip2 1m0.798s 134M bzip2 cfj Standard bzip2 will only use one core (at 100%)
bzip2 0m9.091s 135M pbzip2 c -Ipbzip2 -f Parallel bzip2. pbzip2 process used about 900 MiB RAM at maximum.
lz4 0m3.914s 287M lz4 c -I"lz4" -f Really fast but the resulting archive is barely compressed. Worst compression king.
lz4 0m56.506s 207M lz4 -12 c -I"lz4 -12" -f Supports levels -[1-12]. Uses 1 core, and there does not appear to be any multi-threaded variant.
lzip 4m42.017s 116M lzip c --lzip -f v1.21. Standard lzip will only use one core (at 100%). Very slow.
lzip 0m42.542 118M plzip c -Iplzip -f plzip 1.8 (Parallel lzip), default level (-6).
lzip 1m39.697s 110M plzip -9 c -I"plzip -9" -f Parallel lzip at best compression (-9). plzip process used 5.1 GiB RAM at maximum.
xz 5m2.952s 114M xz cfJ Standard xz will only use one core (at 100%). Unbearably slow.
xz 0m53.569s 115M pxz c -Ipxz -f Parallel PXZ 4.999.9beta. Process used 1.4 GiB RAM at maximum.
xz 1m33.441s 110M pxz -9 c -I"pxz -9" -f Parallel PXZ 4.999.9beta using its best possible compression. pxz process used 3.5 GiB at maximum.
zstd 0m3.034s 167M zstd c --zstd -f zstd uses 1 core by default.
zstd 1m18.238s 117M zstd -19 -T0 c -I"zstd -19 -T0" -f -19 gives the best possible compression and -T0 utilizes all cores. If a non-zero number is specified, zstd uses that many cores.

Notable Takeaways[edit]

A few minor points should be apparent from above numbers:

  • All the standard binaries GNU/Linux distributions give you as a default for all the commonly used compression algorithms are extremely slow compared to the parallel implementations that are available but not defaults.
    • This is true for bzip, there is a huge difference between 10 seconds and one minute. And it is specially true for lzip and xz, the difference between one minute and five is significant.
    • The difference between the pigz parallel implementation of gzip and regular gzip may appear to be small since both are very fast. The difference between 3 and 23 seconds is huge in terms of percentage.
  • lzip and xz offer the best compression. They are also the slowest alternatives. This is especially true if you do not use the parallel implementations.
    • Both plzip (5.1 GiB) and pxz (3.5 GiB at -9) use a lot of memory. Expect much worse performance on memory-constrained machines.
  • The difference between bzip2 and pbzip2 is huge. It may not appear that way since bzip is so much faster than xz and lzip but pbzip actually about ten times faster than regular bzip.
  • pbzip2's default compression is apparently it's best at -9. A close-up inspection of the output files reveal that they are identical (130260727b) with and without -9.

zstd, appears to be the clear winner, with leading compression speed, decompression speed, and acceptable compression ratio.

Decompressing The Linux Kernel[edit]

Compression ratio is not the only concern one may want to consider, a well-compressed archive that takes forever to decompress will make end-users unhappy. Thus; it may be worth-while to look at the respective decompression speeds.

Keep in mind that most people will not use any parallel implementation to decompress their archives, it is much more likely that they will use whatever defaults the distributions provide. And those would be.. the single-threaded implementations.

We tested decompressing using a cheat: tar xf<options> linux-5.8.1.tar.<algo> -C /tmp/ with /tmp being a tmpfs (=RAMdrive). The numbers will therefore absolutely not reflect real-world numbers. The reason we tested this way is to illustrate the difference between the pure decompression time without being bothered with disk I/O limitations.

Algorithm Time Command Parameters Comments
none 0m1.204s tar -xf Raw tar with no compression.
gzip2 0m4.232s gzip2 -xfz
gzip 0m2.729s pigz -x -Ipigz -f gzip is a clear winner if decompression speed is the only consideration.
bzip2 0m20.181s bzip2 xfj
bzip2 0m19.533s pbzip2 -x -Ipbzip2 -f The difference between bzip2 and pbzip2 when decompressing is barely measurable
lzip 0m10.590s lzip -x --lzip -f
lz4 0m1.873s lz4 -x -Ilz4 -f Fastest of them all but not very impressive considering the compression it offers is almost nonexistant.
lzip 0m8.982s plzip -x -Iplzip -f
xz 0m7.419s xz -xfJ xz offers the best decompression speeds of all the well-compressed algorithms.
xz 0m7.462s pxz -x -Ipxz -f
zstd 0m3.095s zstd -x --zstd -f When compressed with no options (the default compression level is 3).
zstd 0m2.556s zstd x --zstd -f When compressed with tar c -I"zstd -19 -T0" (compression level 19)
Lovelyz Kei ProTip.jpg
TIP: tar is typically able to figure out what kind of archive you are trying to extract.
tar xf linux-5.8.1.tar.xz and tar xfJ linux-5.8.1.tar.xz will both work. You need to specify what kind of compression algorithm you want to use when you make an archive but you can omit algorithm-specific flags and let tar figure it out when you extract archives.
  • xz is the fastest decompressing well-compressed algorithm. gzip does offer much faster decompression but the compression ratio gzip offers is far worse. bzip2 offers much faster compression than xz but xz decompresses a lot faster than bzip2.
  • zstd is also looking very good when the best compression level 19 and multiple cores are used. Decompression is very fast and it is faster, not slower, when higher compression is used.

zram block drive compression[edit]

The Linux kernel allows you to create a compressed block device in RAM using the zram module. It is typically used to create a compressed RAM-backed RAM device but it does not have to be used for that purpose; you can use it like you would use any block device like a HDD or a NVMe drive. The Linux kernel supports several compression algorithms for zram devices:

$ cat /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm
lzo lzo-rle lz4 lz4hc 842 [zstd]

Benchmarking how these in-kernel compression algorithms block devices work in a repeatable way is a bit tricky. Here's what happens if you extract Linux 5.9 rc4 to a uncompressed kernel tmpfs:

tar xf linux-5.9-rc4.tar.gz -C /tmp/

and then create and mount a compressed zram file system using the various compression algorithms:

# Make sure you use zramX not 0 if you already
# have a zram device for swap.
# Create a new zram drive
cat /sys/class/zram-control/hot_add

# Select compression algorithm
echo lzo > /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm

# Make it big enough for the 1.1G kernel source tree
echo 2G > /sys/block/zram0/disksize

# Create a file system
mkfs.ext4  /dev/zram0

# Mount it to /mnt/tmp
mount -v /dev/zram0 /mnt/tmp

We repeated the above steps of each of the available compression algorithms (lzo lzo-rle lz4 lz4hc 842 zstd) and did the same "benchmark":

time cp -r /tmp/linux-5.9-rc4/ /mnt/tmp/

We then used zramctl to see the compressed and the total memory use by the zram device.

In case you want to try yourself, do this between each run:

umount /mnt/tmp
echo 0 > /sys/class/zram-control/hot_remove

These are the results:

Storing Linux 5.9 rc4
on a compressed zram block device
Algorithm cp time Data Compressed Total
lzo 4.571s 1.1G 387.8M 409.8M
lzo-rle 4.471s 1.1G 388M 410M
lz4 4.467s 1.1G 403.4M 426.4M
lz4hc 14.584s 1.1G 362.8M 383.2M
842 22.574s 1.1G 538.6M 570.5M
zstd 7.897s 1.1G 285.3M 298.8M

|Time, in this case, is mostly irrelevant. There is a practical difference, and the numbers in the above table do vary. However, be aware that kernel write caching was not disabled. The numbers provide an indication, and they are what time returned. They just don't accurately reflect the total time before all data was actually "written" to the zram device.

It would seem that the zstd compression algorithm is vastly superior when it comes to compressing the Linux kernel in memory. It is also notably slower than lzo-rle, not that the times listed above are very accurate, they should merely be taken as an indication.

We are not entirely clear on what compression level the kernel uses for zstd by default. For comparison,

tar c -I"zstd -19 -T0" -f linux-5.9-rc4.tar.zstd linux-5.9-rc4

produces a 117 MiB large linux-5.9-rc4.tar.zstd file while

tar c -I"zstd -3 -T0" -f linux-5.9-rc4.tar.zstd linux-5.9-rc4

produces a 166 MiB file in 1.389 seconds. Going down to level 1 (-1 increases the file size to 186M while the time is reduced to 0m1.064s. That's still one hundred megabyte less than what the Linux kernel version 5.9 rc4 uses to store itself on a zram block device. It is safe to say that the compression you can expect when you use the kernel-provided implementations of various compression algorithms differs from what you get when you create archives using tar.



66 months ago
Score 0++
zstd is the new hot thing


64 months ago
Score 0++

j is a short-hand for --bzip2 and J is a short-hand for --xz

The J does not "stand for" anything and there's no logical reason why j means bzip2 and J means xz.


55 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks. Fixed that and re-did all the test with current versions (and the current kernel tree..)


55 months ago
Score 0++
Thanks. lz4 is clearly fast but it is the absolute worst when it comes to compression ratio.


49 months ago
Score 0++
As a side note, XZ code-quality seems to have several issues and one could say it shouldn't be considered at all, if the criticism is correct: https://www....dequate.html

Anonymous (191104a8ad)

41 months ago
Score 0

XZ is excellent for serving archives and software packages over the internet. It is incomparable for high compression ratio performance, beating even ZSTD. The linked article is primarily a criticism of XZ as a format for long-term archival, which is a tangential objective; it has more to do with its fragility in the face of potential bit rot and for the sake of far-future potential data archaeology. Its practicality for moving data across throughput-limited pipes is a separate matter though.

This is another good performance comparison:

Anonymous (191104a8ad)

41 months ago
Score 0

This is more interesting than the criticism of XZ: https://www....nchmark.html

Here, it seems to show that lzip outperforms XZ, while also offering better reliability.

Anonymous (143965e9b1)

45 months ago
Score 0

Thanks for this comparison. Based on it I decided to use Pixz

I tried to use Zstd and Pixz both with the highest compression on both. On my data, Zstd finished in half the time but produced 20% bigger file than Pixz. I wanted smallest compressed file and did not care about time.

Anonymous (03aacbdf06)

43 months ago
Score 0
What version of the kernel did you use?

Anonymous (ce03da6eae)

43 months ago
Score 0
why use tar instead of fio to benchmark?

Anonymous (40786fc7d0)

43 months ago
Score 0
Author of LZIP describes why it's better than XZ https://www....dequate.html

Anonymous (9dbfa20f9a)

41 months ago
Score 0
I'm sorry to hear you only get 3 people reading, and they aren't even using linux. Thank you very much for this article. And it's fine you only tested on a Ryzen 2600. If people want tests on slower systems, there are plenty other tests results online on old and 1/2 core systems. I for one am tired of 2-core tests when most modern systems have a lot more to play, and parallelization is sort of a big deal.

Anonymous (6885584693)

34 months ago
Score 0

I wonder though, when imaging disks using piped output from dd, what is the most suitable for compression when contiguous block of zeroes are found? Is it worth having more threads if processing a stream? What about temp file requirements or ability to specify RAM?

Do we still just dd bs=xxx if=/dev/yyyy status=progress|gzip -9 > somefile.img.gz ?

I am pretty disappointed with zstd when used for package updates, it seems slow. I cannot see the advantage. But if the size is reduced it helps bandwidth. My installs seem to take longer end to end. (Ubuntu).

Anonymous (7796473e6f)

41 months ago
Score 0

One case for a fast compression is when sending data over the network to another machine. If you have a gigabit network (very common these days), you'd spend about 10 seconds to tar, send and untar that 1GB kernel image.

Most of the compression algorithms will spend more than 10 seconds just compressing the data, so they will only slow down the transfer.

Using lz4 compression would result in a significant speedup - it takes 3 seconds to compress the data, resulting in 270MB to send over the network. So the "tar and send" phase would complete in 3 seconds - because the network transfer will run while compressing. The other side will spend at most 2 seconds decompressing, while it takes 3 seconds for the data to arrive. So if you just do something like "tar cf - | lz4 | nc .. | nc -l .. | lz4 -d | tar -xf -" you will now transfer that 1GB kernel image in only 3 seconds wall-clock time, using about one core on the sender and about half a CPU core on the receiver.

Doing the same calculation for different network speeds will favor different algorithms. For a 56k modem, you'll want to use XZ probably...

Anonymous (377d40a4c5)

35 months ago
Score 0
Good comment. This is a good article too, but the author is far too down on lz4. Obviously it is not the algorithm to use for purposes where compression ratios are paramount (though I would not call 70% reduction in size "hardly any compression at all"). But for a lot of use cases (like ephemeral storage or transmission) it seems likely to be optimal.

Anonymous (0917c8b6aa)

33 months ago
Score 0

So your case is for remote backup and syncing (different data each run).

But for content distribution, that is, compress one time, download many many times, higher compression ratio is a sure win: you pay less for the reduced bandwidth. Yes it takes your client a bit more cpu cycles but hey, you don't have to pay for that!

Anonymous (54de2a682d)

40 months ago
Score 0

Thanks for this content.

I wondered how to decompress a file with .lz extension.

Anonymous (c7f3552614)

39 months ago
Score 0
whats linux

Anonymous (94dd7c2a49)

37 months ago
Score 0
What's up with the k-pop/anime theme of this site lol

Anonymous (7c3040c4a0)

27 months ago
Score 0
what is wrong with Kemonomimi_rabbit. ?

Anonymous (f4e0ba08b6)

36 months ago
Score 0
Thank you for this article, it's awesome!

Anonymous (d95ecefb1b)

34 months ago
Score 0
If you used LZ4HC, LZ4 would come out on top.

Anonymous (8d69e1e33c)

33 months ago
Score 0
Great article - appreciate the time you put into it. And for the record, while I am perusing this fine site using a Windows device, my research is in support of a Linux effort :)

Anonymous (7ffcd35254)

33 months ago
Score 0
Love the author notes!! Thank you for this well documented topic!!

Anonymous (f33eb96cc9)

32 months ago
Score 0

What are the concerns on bit rot on xz? Is that a real thing? Is it safe for personal files, like photos? Great article btw.

I am using android but i also use linux.

Anonymous (3e01ef286f)

31 months ago
Score 0

"but the resulting archive is barely compressed" and "considering the compression it offers is almost nonexistant"? Sorry but are you living in a parallel universe? lz4 compresses the data to 30.6%, that's a size reduction by a factor of 3! How is that "barely compressed"? Compressing the data less than 10% would be barely compressed but here it is almost 70%!

zstd compresses the data to 12.5% which is of course better, therefor lz4 can be used on very weak systems as it requires neither a lot of CPU time nor a lot of RAM and that's what it was optimized for. But saying it hardly compresses is just talking bullshit.

Anonymous (4f1d57d150)

30 months ago
Score 0
Could you test 'lrzip', please.

Anonymous (fb60b29976)

30 months ago
Score 0

Thanks for the article, it provided valuable information.

And you can see that I'm using Linux xD

Anonymous (d2eefd0185)

24 months ago
Score 0
How can I compress a queef?

Anonymous (845b2ff67e)

24 months ago
Score 0
I read this article when i need to read it because my memory sucks, thanks for keeping it up

Anonymous (428142a005)

23 months ago
Score 0
What is a queef? If any issue, just ask chatgpt4

Anonymous (d99113fe60)

23 months ago
Score 0
How do I compress a fat steaming hot load?

Anonymous (d51d1a9204)

20 months ago
Score 0

> "xz offers the best decompression speeds of all the well-compressed algorithms"

Huh, the table shows that zstd is much faster and the size is nearly the same. Was zstd added after adding this comment to the table?

Anonymous (9068ae8395)

15 months ago
Score 0
After reading this article I set my zram to 64GiB of zram on a laptop which has 16GiB of non-upgradable RAM.

Anonymous (ea948d7f8f)

15 months ago
Score 0
Very helpful information for those who want to evaluate compression algorithms for slow or embedded devices especially. Seems like gzip or bzip2 is the way to go if you're resource limited.

Anonymous (a79fdddb83)

13 months ago
Score 0
Cool comparison! Thank you!

Anonymous (cc6fe0f8d2)

10 months ago
Score 0
Very interresting benchmark. I'm now using the Zstd algo instead of bzip2 and the improvement is huge! Thanks.

Anonymous (74bf8b02fd)

10 months ago
Score 0

Guess xz is the way to go to compress docker images before shipping them to the customer.


Anonymous (92ab98815a)

8 months ago
Score 0

Unfortunately zstd has a serious problem: it is terribly slow with the --list parameter (used to see the original characteristics - size, date etc. - of the uncompressed file), slow enough to avoid using it.

It seems that to get the result the file needs to be decompressed into RAM.

Anonymous (8a62f51c53)

6 months ago
Score 0
Thank you!


5 months ago
Score 0++
i prefer tar.xz in file roller
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