BlackArch Linux

BlackArch Linux is a special purpose Penetration Testing distribution which comes as a 12 GB ISO meant to be put on a bootable USB stick. It includes a huge as in gigantic collection of more than 2000+ security-related softwarez. The latest version 2019.06.01 was released on May 25th, 2019.
Features and usability[edit]
First of all: This distribution is meant to be put on a USB stick and used for security research on systems in hostile or friendly environments. It is not meant to be a desktop OS used to browse Instagram (It can be installed and it does come with Firefox and Chromium so you could use it for that purpose too).
The initial boot-screen when put on a USB stick and booted into from a system of interest gives you the option of booting "BlackArch Linux" or "BlackArch Linux (non-free)". The non-free option will load the proprietary Nvidia drivers. There is also the option of running memtest, "Hardware Information", "Boot existing OS" and reboot and power-off.
Booting BlackArch takes you to a login screen where you have to use root
as username and blackarch
as password. You will find yourself in fluxbox
once you have logged in.
Fluxbox is configured with a nice-looking theme and it's menu is populated with security-software divided into logical categories.
Starting the majority of items in the menu will simply launch xterm with with a help-text explaining the syntax of the program you ask for. This is to be expected as the majority of the included tools are command-line tools.
BlackArch's no-desktop with fluxbox window-manager interface and do it in a terminal approach makes this distribution hard to impossible to use for most people while it is also very user-friendly for it's target audience. It has exactly what you need in terms of both tools and interface.
So much software[edit]
There is a very long list of tools at the BlackArch Linux here:
Many books can and probably are being written about all these tools. There are a lot. If you've heard rumors of some piece of security-related software you'll very likely find that it is included in this distribution. It's clearly got that area covered.
If you need to do some security-research or simply forgot your Windows password or your WIFI password and you are looking for a Live distribution then you will probably find that BlackArch has everything you need and more.
You can download it from
You will want to use the "torrent" download option as that's much faster. It's a big download, so it will take a while regardless of what you choose.
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- DeepinDeepin is a Debian-based Linux operating system from Chinese Wuhan Deepin Technology Corporation featuring a unique and very user-friendly desktop environment called "Deepin Desktop Environment". It comes with a wide range of easy to use applications written specially for it's Deepin Desktop Environment in C++ using Qt and the "Deepin Tool Kit" (DTK). Deepin is very easy to install, it is easy to use and it comes with everything you need to do most tasks you would want to do on a desktop or laptop computer.
- Linux MintLinux Mint is a GNU/Linux distribution most notable for its distinct green and black branding. It it based on Ubuntu Linux LTS releases with the latest (as of early 2020) Linux Mint 19.3 release based on Ubuntu 18.04. It is available as live ISO images with either Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce. Linux Mint adds its own branding, some custom configuration files and newer versions of Cinnamon and MATE to its Ubuntu LTS variant. The differences beyond that are minor.
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