Raspberry Psy

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Raspberry Psy at 1080p.

Raspberry Psy
A screenshot of the Raspberry Psy demo
A screenshot of the Raspberry Psy demo
Original author(s)The Bad Sectors in collaboration with Desire
Initial release2016; 6 years ago (2016)
Operating systemLinux, Windows
Size17M (zip)
TypePC scene demo

Raspberry Psy is a really cool PC scene demo created by The Bad Sectors in collaboration with Desire. It won 1st place wild demo competition at the Function 2016 demoparty. It is noteworthy for including binaries for Linux, including one for the Raspberry Pi, in addition to a binary for Windows within the ZIPped release archive.


Raspberry Psy.02.jpg
A screenshot of the Raspberry Psy PC demo (for Windows and Linux) by The Bad Sectors.

The soundtrack is a pretty trace track. It may be worth saving if you like trace music.

The soundtrack is readily available as stand-alone file named teo_-_ngc189.ogg within the demos ZIP arvhie. It is the seconds largest part of the demo's 17 MiB ZIP archive, the other is a 8.5 MiB large file named dsr-rpsy.dpk. The Linux executable for the Raspberry Psy demo is just a tiny 128 KiB file.



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                   . . . ::: .     R A S P B E R R Y    P S Y 

		. . . ::: .	 Code:  Blueghost          .::: :::.. . .

	. . . ::: .		 Music: Teo                            .::: :::.. . .

		. . . ::: .	 GFX:   Maali                .::: :::.. . .

           . . . ::: .                  Optic                            .::: :::.. . .

   . . . ::: .                          Isabella          .::: :::.. . .

              . . . ::: .               Organicdreams              ::: :::.. . .

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  • Dsr-rpsy.zip - 17 MiB, contains a binary for Windows and 32-bit, 64-bit and ARM (Raspberry Pi) for Linux

See also[edit]


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