Comparison of HOST file blacklists

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Linux and other operating systems support using a hosts file for matching domains to IPs. Linux systems use the file /etc/hosts. This functionality can be used to filter away bad hostnames used for malware, spam and other undesirable evil by matching bad DNS hostnames to There's many huge lists you can download and use floating around the Internets. Here's a comparison of some of the more popular ones.

Technical Details[edit]

Host files can be placed in the file /etc/hosts. It can be used for pointing to valid hosts like machines on your LAN. It can also be used to blacklist. This can be done in two ways, either by an entry with domain.tld or domain.tld. The latter is preferable. Using will result in time-outs if nothing is listening on; using will not. A locally running webserver will be hit with requests either way. You may want to convert host files using to with sed or, if you prefer, awk (why not perl, you may wonder. No reason, if that works for you then great!). The majority of the hosts files listed below use the notation.

The hosts files below do not contain the typical localhost entries GNU/Linux systems require. Linux machines should to have valid localhost entries like the following in /etc/hosts:   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

The off-the-shelf blacklists listed below do not include these entries.

Host Blacklists Reviewed[edit] list[edit]

This is a rather short lists (1286) entries listing subdomains used by the notorious 2o7 tracking-service which has plagued the Internet for more than a decade. It's maintained by github user "FadeMind" and it can be downloaded from

This is a rather short and specialized list limited to one tracking service. Still, it's worth adding if you are making your own /etc/hosts using multiple sources.

AdAway default[edit]

AdAway is an Android app for blocking advertisements and is, as such, mainly targeting advertisements served to mobile users. It is available for free in the F-Droid app store. This blacklist is rather short with about 500 entries.

This is one of the few blacklists which can safely be used with no issues or risk of false positives. It targets the most common and annoying trackers and advertisement servers and that's it. The raw blacklist can be acquired from hosts.txt


hpHosts is a service run by malwarebytes which offers a rather broad range of small host files covering different classifications. It's no "one stop shop" where you can grab some huge fits-the-bill hosts file. And that is probably a good thing since a lot of malwarebytes choices are questionable at best.

hpHost's advertisement list (ATS) appears to have advertisement-related sites on it. It gets dicey very quickly when moving on to their other lists such as the "warez/piracy sites" (WRZ) blacklist. The site, as an example, does explain "HOW TO DOWNLOAD TORRENT WITH COMMAND LINE IN UBUNTU". An article explaining how one can use BitTorrent software to download Fedora ISOs on Ubuntu Linux does not make a site a "warez site" - but if you think it does then malwarebytes products and their hpHosts files are for you.

You can download the various hpHosts blacklists from


KADhosts is a Polish blacklist which is supposedly limited to "Fraud/adware/scam websites". It is primarily a uBlock Origin and AdGuard filter which can be found at It is also available in the standard hosts file format in two varieties at

KADhosts offers three different hosts files:

KADhosts_without_controversies.txt Identical to KADhosts.txt, apart from a comment, as of 2020-07-14
KADhosts.txt Identical to KADhosts_without_controversies.txt, apart from a comment, as of 2020-07-14
KADfakeHosts.txt "Fake" means supposedly "fake news". Interpret that as you wish.

KADhosts has a homepage, in Polish, at


The MVPS host blocklist blocklist is one of the oldest hosts blockists on the Internet. It has been available from the website since 1998.

MVPS is one of a few host blocklists which is available as a pre-configured option in Ublock Origin.

The MVPS list is described as one which includes "major parasites, hijackers and unwanted Adware/Spyware programs". The list appears to only block those things. It can safely be used, it appears to list the things it claims it blocks and nothing more.

The raw MVPS list is available at

Steven Black's "Unified hosts file"[edit]

Steven Black's hostss are files made using collections of other hosts files such as,, and The shortest "adware + malware" list weighs in at 1.2 MB and holds 40k entries. The various hosts files can be found at


The "Ultimate" hosts blacklist is probably the biggest HOST file blacklist on the Internet yet it is small compared to how huge it used to be.

The "Ultimate" hosts blacklist was 43 MiB large and it contained 1.860.653 different domains the first time we looked at it. It used to contain a lot of false positives. This site was in it along with Norway's biggest newspaper VG, Russia's, the Free Software Foundations Free Software Directory, Linux Today and a very long list of other totally legitimate websites.

The "Ultimate" hosts blacklist has since been trimmed down to, as of V1.2042.2020.07.13, 463,466 domains (less than a fourth of what it used to contain).

It is hard to recommend this blacklist after we discovered that we were randomly put on it along with too many other sites that were put on it for no apparent reason. It has been cleaned up and reduced to less than a quarter of its original size and this site is no longer on it, so current versions of this list may be an acceptable choice.

Kemonomimi rabbit.svg
Note: Avoid this list if you do any kind of crypto currency mining. All the major mining pools for all the bigger crypto currencies are on this list. They are likely on it because of all the stealth crypto mining malware in the wild. It is, of course, a problem if you actually do want to mine some crypto currency.

The "Ultimate" hosts blacklist can be acquired from

Yoyo's Adservers[edit]

Yoyo's Adservers is a small-ish list of about 3000 advertisement servers. That's what it focuses on and that's what it is supposed to be.

Yoyo's Adservers blocks the legitimate Symptomate Android app so this list is not free of false positives.

It's homepage is at and the raw list can be acquired from - yes, that's a very long URL. But it's good, it is simply Yoyo's way of telling you that you can change the format by altering the links variables.


If you are looking for a general host blacklist to use you're best off sticking with a shorter one which focuses on advertisement and tracking servers and only advertisement and tracking servers. Every blacklist which attempts to go beyond that get some sites wrong. It would also be mentioned that browser-based content filters are better suited for removing advertisements anyway; they can remove sub-folders like /ads/ without making the whole site unavailable.

A Cron Example[edit]

You can make your own /etc/hosts.local with your own host list..

File: /etc/hosts.local   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6

and add a weekly cron job (or systemd service) that updates your /etc/hosts like this:

File: /etc/cron.weekly/
#!/usr/bin/env sh

wget -q -O /tmp/

if [ -f /tmp/ ];then
  cat /etc/hosts.local > /etc/hosts
  tail  -n +83  /tmp/ | head -n -34 | grep ^[[:space:]] >> /etc/hosts

Do note the grep ^ It is very important. You do not want someone maintaining a host blacklist to be able to put your banks domain with a phishing site IP in there or anything like that.



55 months ago
Score 0++
Took another look at it. It appears that the Ultimate Hosts Blacklist has been trimmed down from 1.860.653 domains to "just" 463,466 and this site is no longer on it (why was in the first place?). Didn't find any obvious false positives when doing a few grep's (that doesn't mean there aren't any) so that's a huge improvement.


46 months ago
Score 0++
That's a hard one to solve. The more domains you had, the higher the odds that one or more sites break. It's a trade-off between covering everything bad and not accidentally.. breaking something useful..

Anonymous (9dd746d6)

46 months ago
Score 0

i had 10mb host file created from countless lists and it failed to stop ads on and other websites and was a total pain to update and maintain it is far easier to just use extension and forget about it in any web browser i am not sure there is any benefit to the host file besides lag uBlock Origin replacement for messing with host file install once and forget about it lol https://chro...hcphjbkeiagm https://addo...lock-origin/

i also like to add HTTPS Everywhere Privacy Badger LocalCDN

Popup Blocker (strict)

Anonymous (1db1ceea4a)

39 months ago
Score 0
can someone please tell where I can find a blacklist not proxy sites and/or porn sites
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