Type of Service (ToS) and DSCP Values

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Internet Protocol network packets can have one byte in the IP header defining what kind of service (and priority) the packet contains. The same one byte is used for both Type of Service (ToS) classifications and differentiated services code point (DSCP) values.

The Type of Service byte was defined in 1981. The differentiated services code point (DSCP) byte was later defined in December 1998. Both share the same byte in the IP packet header so they are the exact same field even though the byte is interpenetrated as meaning different things depending on how you look at the byte.

Type of Service (ToS)

The ToS (Type of Service) byte inside the IP header can be used for prioritization of packets inside a network. The field was defined in the RFC 791 IP protocol specification published in September 1981.

The Type of Service octet consists of three fields (RFC 1349):

   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
|                 |                       |     |
|   PRECEDENCE    |          TOS          | MBZ |
|                 |                       |     |

The first 3 bits of a ToS field indicate precedence.

  • The 4th bit is used to signal if low delay is desired and required
  • The 5th bit indicates if high throughput is desired.
  • The 6th bit indicates if high reliability is desired.
  • The 7th and 8th bits are reserved

Differentiated services fields (DS field)

Everyone was happy with good old simple Type of Service codes until RFC 2474 defined a Differentiated Services Field (DS Field) using the IP protocols Type of Service byte in December 1998.

The differentiated services code point (DSCP) values are defined by the first six bits of the DSCP/ToS byte. The last two bits can and are being used for ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) as defined in RFC 3168.

DSCP defines several traffic classes. The primary DSCP classes are, per RFC 4594, and RFC 8622:

  • Lower-Effort (LE)
  • Default Forwarding (DF)
  • Assured Forwarding (AF)
  • Expedited Forwarding (EF)
  • Class Selector (CS)

Higher numbered queues within the "Assured Forwarding" sub-classes have lower priority. (AF41 has a higher priority than AF42). However, AF21-AF23 will have a higher priority than AF11-AF13.

The "Class Selector" values select class types, not priority.

The DSCP and The ToS Byte Values

Service class names are defined in RFC 4594, RFC 5865, and RFC 8622.

DSCP, DiffServ and hexadecimal ToS values
DSCP Name DS Field Binary DS Field Decimal DS Hex TOS Prec-edence (dec) ToS Hex-adecimal ToS Decimal ToS Binary iptables ToS name Service Class Name
DF / CS0 000 000 0 0x00 0 0x00 0 0000 0000 Normal-Service Standard
none - - - 0 0x02 2 0000 0010 Minimize-Cost
none 000 001 1 0x01 0 0x04 4 0000 0100 Maximize-Reliability
LE 000 001 1 0x01 0 0x04 4 0000 0100 Lower-Effort
none 000 010 2 0x02 0 0x08 8 0000 1000 Maximize-Throughput
none 000 100 4 0x04 0 0x10 16 0001 0000 Minimize-Delay
CS1 001 000 8 0x08 1 0x20 32 0000 1000 Low-Priority Data
AF11 001 010 10 0x0a 1 0x28 40 0010 1000 High-Throughput Data
AF12 001 100 12 0x0c 1 0x30 48 0011 0000 High-Throughput Data
AF13 001 110 14 0x0e 1 0x38 56 0011 1000 High-Throughput Data
CS2 010 000 16 0x10 2 0x40 64 0100 0000 OAM
AF21 010 010 18 0x12 2 0x48 72 0100 1000 Low-Latency Data
AF22 010 100 20 0x14 2 0x50 80 0101 0000 Low-Latency Data
AF23 010 110 22 0x16 2 0x58 88 0101 1000 Low-Latency Data
CS3 011 000 24 0x18 3 0x60 96 0110 0000 Broadcast Video
AF31 011 010 26 0x1a 3 0x68 104 0110 1000 Multimedia Streaming
AF32 011 100 28 0x1c 3 0x70 112 0111 0000 Multimedia Streaming
AF33 011 110 30 0x1e 3 0x78 120 0111 1000 Multimedia Streaming
CS4 100 000 32 0x20 4 0x80 128 1000 0000 Real-Time Interactive
AF41 100 010 34 0x22 4 0x88 136 1000 1000 Multimedia Conferencing
AF42 100 100 36 0x24 4 0x90 144 1001 0000 Multimedia Conferencing
AF43 100 110 38 0x26 4 0x98 152 1001 1000 Multimedia Conferencing
CS5 101 000 40 0x28 5 0xa0 160 1010 0000 Signaling (IP Telephony, etc)
voice-admit 101 100 44 0x2c 5 0xb0 176 1011 0000
EF 101 110 46 0x2e 5 0xb8 184 1011 1000 Telephony
CS6 110 000 48 0x30 6 0xc0 192 1100 0000 Network Routing Control
CS7 111 000 56 0x38 7 0xe0 224 1110 0000 "Reserved"

Home users who want to set the DSCP fields (even though the ISP will likely not care) may want to use these classes for QoS queues:

QoS queue Traffic Type DSCP Class
1 SYN, ACK, immediate delivery AF21
3 Default queue, WWW server(s) AF23
4 Tor node AF11
5 Bitcoin node LE
6 Bulk (BitTorrent etc) LE

Iptables & ToS & DSCP Values

Iptables and some older routers, notably from Cisco, use an old older ToS scheme defined in RFC 1349 where bits 0 to 2 are "precedence" and 3 to 6 define Type of Service (4 bytes). It lets you use 5 pre-defined ToS named (aliases) to set the ToS byte using its --set-tos option. You can also use hex values 0x00-0xFF or a decimal numbes between 0-255. The names you can use with Iptables are:

name decimal hex bin
Minimize-Delay 16 0x10 1000
Maximize-Throughput 8 0x08 0100
Maximize-Reliability 4 0x04 0010
Minimize-Cost 2 0x02 0001
Normal-Service 0 0x00 0000

You can print the above list with iptables -j TOS -h.

Changing the ToS field will also change the Differentiated Services Fields (DS field) since they are the same field.

Setting the ToS field to Minimize-Cost will change bit 6. Bit 6 and 7 are are DSCP ECN bits! Be aware of this side-effect when you -j TOS --set-tos using iptables! A precedence of 3 with the Minimize-Cost value will look like this:

   0     1     2     3     4     5     6     7
|                 |                       |     |
|   PRECEDENCE    |          TOS          | MBZ |
|                 |                       |     |
   1     1     0     0     0     0     1     0

That's not good since the last two bytes are defined as ECN (Explicit Congestion Notification) bits within the Differentiated services specification.

You should avoid using -j TOS --set-tos using the outdated ToS values. However, you can if you really want to, you have our permission:

iptables -t mangle -N MYSHAPER-OUT
iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -o ${IF} -j MYSHAPER-OUT
iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-OUT -p tcp --sport 32680 -j TOS --set-tos  Maximize-Throughput 
iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-OUT -p udp --sport 32680 -j TOS --set-tos  Maximize-Throughput 

The above example would mark all traffic from the source-port 32680 going out of br0 as Maximize-Throughput (0x08).

iptables can also set the DSCP field. This is what you want to set even if Type-of-service is what you think you want.

The DSCP field can be set with either -j DSCP --set-dscp decimal-or-hex-value or -j DSCP --set-dscp-class DiffServ-class-value. See the table below for possible --set-dscp-class values. iptables will accept BE, EF and any of the CSxx and AFxx classes.

iptables -t mangle -N MYSHAPER-OUT
iptables -t mangle -I POSTROUTING -o ${IF} -j MYSHAPER-OUT
iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-OUT -p tcp --sport 32680 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class AF13
iptables -t mangle -A MYSHAPER-OUT -p udp --sport 32680 -j DSCP --set-dscp-class AF13

See also

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