Template:Infobox person/doc

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Rather than create a new template for each type of person, utilize labels in this template. To modify this template:

  1. Open the template containing the desired label ("View source").
  2. Find the desired label. The label will be a group of label, text, template parameters and other information. Template:Infobox contains the full details.
  3. Insert the label information into this template. Do not duplicate the label numbers, but they should be in increasing numeric order. Unneeded label entries may be removed.
  4. Update this documentation page with the changes.
  5. Click here to Purge the template cache.


The infobox may be added by pasting the template as shown below into an article and then filling in the desired fields. Any parameters left blank or omitted will not be displayed.

Blank template with basic parameters[edit]

{{Infobox person
| name          = <!-- include middle initial, if not specified in birth_name -->
| image         = <!-- just the filename, without the File: or Image: prefix or enclosing [[brackets]] -->
| alt           = <!-- descriptive text for use by the blind and visually impaired's speech synthesis (text-to-speech) software  -->
| caption       = 
| birth_name    = <!-- only use if different from name -->
| birth_date    = <!-- {{Birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} for living people - supply only the year unless the exact date is already widely published, as per WP:DOB. For people that have died, use {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}}. -->
| birth_place   = 
| death_date    = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} -->
| death_place   = 
| nationality   = 
| other_names   = 
| occupation    = 
| years_active  = 
| known_for     = 
| notable_works = 

Blank template with all parameters[edit]

{{Infobox person
| honorific_prefix   = 
| name               =  <!-- include middle initial, if not specified in birth_name -->
| honorific_suffix   = 
| image              =  <!-- filename only, i.e. without "File:" (or "Image:") prefix or enclosing [[brackets]] -->
| image_size         = 
| alt                = 
| caption            = 
| native_name        = 
| native_name_lang   = 
| pronunciation      = 
| birth_name         =  <!-- only use if different from name above -->
| birth_date         =  <!-- {{birth date and age|YYYY|MM|DD}} for living people supply only the year unless the exact date is already widely published, as per [[WP:DOB]] -->
| birth_place        = 
| baptised           =  <!-- will not display if birth_date is entered -->
| disappeared_date   =  <!-- {{disappeared date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (disappeared date then birth date) -->
| disappeared_place  = 
| disappeared_status = 
| death_date         =  <!-- {{death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) -->
| death_place        = 
| death_cause        = 
| body_discovered    = 
| resting_place      = 
| resting_place_coordinates =  <!-- {{coord|LAT|LONG|type:landmark|display=inline}} -->
| burial_place       =  <!-- may be used instead of resting_place and resting_place_coordinates - displays "Burial place" as label -->
| burial_coordinates =  <!-- {{coord|LAT|LONG|type:landmark|display=inline}} -->
| monuments          = 
| residence          = 
| nationality        = 
| other_names        = 
| ethnicity          =  <!-- Ethnicity should be supported with a citation from a reliable source -->
| citizenship        = 
| education          = 
| alma_mater         = 
| occupation         = 
| main_interests     = <!-- Added for academic pages -->
| subject            = <!-- Added for writer pages, can be "subject" or "subjects" -->
| years_active       = 
| era                = 
| employer           = 
| organization       = 
| known_for          = 
| notable_works      =  <!-- produces label "Notable work"; may be overridden by |credits=, which produces label "Notable credit(s)"; or by |works=, which produces label "Works" -->
| style              = 
| home_town          = 
| salary             = 
| net_worth          =  <!-- Net worth should be supported with a citation from a reliable source -->
| height             =  <!-- "X cm", "X m"  or "X ft Y in" plus optional reference (conversions are automatic) -->
| weight             =  <!-- "X kg", "X lb" or "X st Y lb" plus optional reference (conversions are automatic) -->
| television         = 
| title              = 
| term               = 
| predecessor        = 
| successor          = 
| party              = 
| movement           = 
| opponents          = 
| allies             =
| boards             = 
| religion           =  <!-- Religion should be supported with a citation from a reliable source -->
| denomination       =  <!-- Denomination should be supported with a citation from a reliable source -->
| criminal_charge    =  <!-- Criminality parameters should be supported with citations from reliable sources -->
| criminal_penalty   = 
| criminal_status    = 
| spouse             =  <!-- Use article title or common name -->
| partner            =  <!-- (unmarried long-term partner) -->
| children           = 
| parents            = 
| relatives          = 
| callsign           = 
| awards             = 
| website            =  <!-- {{URL|example.com|link text}} -->
| module             = 
| module2            = 
| module3            = 
| module4            = 
| module5            = 
| module6            = 
| signature          = 
| signature_size     = 
| signature_alt      = 
| footnotes          = 