James William Fletcher

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James William Fletcher also known as the William Shakespeare of Linux and the FOSS gaming community has released a number of highly regarded titles on major Linux distribution platforms such as Snapcraft and Flathub. One of his titles has been dubbed "The Dark Souls of the coin pusher genre". His preferred programming language is C.

Creator of Free and Open Source (FOSS) Games[edit]

Screenshot of TuxPusher & Friends the coin pusher game inspired by the classic seaside arcade game.

Fletcher created a C game engine based on a bare bones Matrix Library initially forged using fragments of code from the OpenGL ES Book and a basic Vector Library containing many credited snippets of code he highly regards and techniques taught to him by his old university tutor Tyrone Davison a rendering enthusiast.

Fletcher works exclusively with Vertex Colors exported in the PLY 3D model format, although is known to have released one game in the past that uses high quality textures and normal maps AstroImpact.

Fletcher targets OpenGL ES / WebGL 1.0 for maximum portability and uses Emscripten to compile targets to run in the Web Browser.

View on C++[edit]

"Snake oil, don't use it. Stay loyal to Dennis Ritchie."

Fletcher on C++ in 2024

Tone Generators[edit]

Fixed-state modular synthesizer using FART oscillators, if you can hold back the chuckles for a moment stands for Frequency, Amplitude, Resolution, and Transformation oscillators, the resolution regards harmonic resolution and transformation regards the wave-shape being produced by the oscillator.

Screenshot of the Borg ER-3 Tone Generator software for Linux & Windows.
Name Flathub Snapcraft Git Release Date
Borg ER-3 Link Link Link 2021
Borg ER-0 Link Link Link 2021

Started with the windows release in 2010.

3D Games[edit]

Screenshot of the PoryDrive game for Linux & Windows.
Game Flathub Snapcraft Git Web Release Date
Snowball Link Link Link Link 2020
Snowling Link Link Link Link 2021
Snowboarder Link Link Link Link 2021
CubeShooter Link Link Link Link 2021
SpaceMiner Link Link Link Link 2021
PoryDrive Link Link Link Link 2022
AstroImpact Link Link Link N/A 2022
SeaPusher N/A Link Link Link 2022
TuxPusher Link Link Link Link 2022
Voxel Paint Link Link Link N/A 2023
Voxel Paint Pro Link Link Link N/A 2023
Woxel Link Link Link Link 2023
Tuxocide Link Link Link Link 2023
AI Generated Game Link Link Link Link 2023
TuxScape Link Link Link Link 2023
SeriousShooter Link Link Link Link 2023
TuxVsDragon Link Link Link Link 2023
TuxPusherAF Link Link Link Link 2024
Temple Driver Link Link Link N/A 2024

This is loosely based around the Linus Torvalds page.