DataparkSearch Engine
From LinuxReviews
Jump to navigationJump to searchThe DataparkSearch Engine is a discontinued free software web-search engine designed for adding a search feature to a website or a group of websites. It has two parts: The indexer, which does just that and puts the results in a database, and a CGI front-end which can be integrated into a website. It has not been updated since 2010.
DataparkSearch powers nnqtnsoohprzqcke (link requires Tor), the most popular search-engine for location hidden services on the Tor-network.
It's also used by the popular Russian search engine 43°N 39°E.
Official Story[edit]
Official story regarding "key features" is this:
"Key features:
- Support for http, https, ftp, nntp and news URL schemes.
- htdb virtual URL scheme support for indexing SQL databases.
- text/html, text/xml, text/plain, audio/mpeg (MP3) and image/gif mime types built-in support.
- External parsers support for other document types.
- Ability to index multilingual sites using content negotiation.
- Searching all of the word forms using ispell affixes and dictionaries.
- Fuzzy searching based on acronyms and abbreviations.
- Stop-words, synonyms and acronyms lists.
- Boolean query language support.
- Neural network based Popularity Rank.
- Results sorting by relevance, popularity rank, last modified time and by importance (a multiplication of relevance and popularity rank).
- Various character sets support.
- Accent insensitive search.
- Phrase segmenting for Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Thai languages.
- mod_dpsearch - search module for Apache web server.
- Internationalized Domain Names support.
- The Summary Extraction Algorithm."